Talkin’ man to man

I’m feeling better and starting to get my old mojo back! The past couple of days, I’ve been sleeping less (a little) and interacting more. My dad came home today after being away on a business trip. I was so happy to see him! I walked right up and we had had some man time. It was great!

Thanks to everyone who has been sending good wishes! I read all of your notes and they make me smile –

Happy Day!

Sharing our day....
Sharing our day….

I’m off!

“So be sure when you step, Step with care and great tact. And remember that life’s A Great Balancing Act. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed) Kid, you’ll move mountains.”
– Dr. Suess, Oh, The Places You’ll Go!

Today I went for a walk! (I know – seriously!) I had my leash and everything. I didn’t go far, but I was awesome! My balance is getting better and I was able to walk about half a block before coming home. Mom thought I might want to go a little farther, but I had other ideas. I don’t want to overdo now, do I? That could be a mistake.

Tomorrow I go back to see my friend, Dr. Moore. She’ll remove my staples and give me some pats and hugs. The techs might even give me a little treat!

Happy Hump Day!

This was taken after my walk.
This was taken after my walk.

You’d do it, too – you know you would!

This morning I was a bit of a lay-about. Normally, I get up with mom when she’s getting ready for work and wait for her to give me my morning pills and a treat before she leaves. This was her first day going to work since my surgery. I didn’t hear her get up and I was still tired when she called to give me my medicine. I stayed right where I was and looked very sleepy. Do you know what she said? She said, “OK, I’ll come home at lunch and give you your medicine.” Ohmygosh! I didn’t know it would really work! So, anyway, she left….

This is what she found when she returned….




Feelin’ the love…

Let me be clear –  I’ve always known that mom and dad love me.Truth be told, they’re pretty liberal with hugs and kisses. Special treats, spa days and fun times come fairly often. This week, though, has seen an outpouring of concern! Mom and dad keep tabs on me in the house. They make sure I’m comfy. They encourage me to walk around. I even get applause when I go up and down steps!

This morning, the most amazing thing happened! I had gone into mom and dad’s closet – as I do each day to hang while mom gets dressed. Today, mom sat down in the closet with me! What’s a guy to do?  I was feeling good, but a little tired from the exertion. I put my head in mom’s lap and she sat with me for a while and talked to me about what a sweet boy I am! Yes, I am feelin’ the love!




Finding out the truth…

Since my surgery, people have been telling me, “Carter, it’s ok….chicks dig scars!”  I had my first trip back to see the doctor today. She removed my bandages. I’m a little bruised, but the incision looks good! I found out that the old saying is true!! All of the techs were so happy to see me! I had lots of hugs and kisses! I was getting around really well. (I couldn’t let them see I was a little tired, could I?) They made me feel like a regular guy. I liked that.

I had a good time in the car. I could get in byIMG_1357 myself, but mom had to help me out. Those SUVs are pretty high up! It won’t be long before I can jump right down.

Here’s  a photo from today. I’m wearing my new inflatable collar so that I don’t bother the incision.

Happy Day!