No way out but through…

The Christmas lights went up outside our house yesterday. They’re so pretty! No more bumbling around in the dark when I go through my doggie door in the evening! The inside decorations will wait for a few days because today I started my chemotherapy. I’m not happy about it, but it has to be done.

Dr. Moore gave mom all of the instructions for my medicine. I’m taking masitinib mesylate (Kinavet-CA1) tablets – one 150 mg. tablet and two 50 mg. tablets, once a day. Piece of cake! They all fit in one pill pocket. I’ll need to take them for a long time – at least until my boy, Ross, comes home from college for Spring Break. I feel pretty optimistic about this medicine…Dr. Moore says everyone who has taken this has done really well, with no side effects.

Keep a good thought for me!

Back at Brykerwood with my friends!
Back at Brykerwood with my friends!
Here I go!
Here I go!
This is the start!
This is the start!