Game Day!

I don’t know how things are at your house, but we are (college) football people! Saturdays in the fall are game days. My dad and Maggie (and Marshal) are University of Texas grads. My brother, Ross, is away at TX Tech now. (Guns up, Ross!) My granddad, Johnny, is a serious TX A&M alum. My poor mom is “from off,” with degrees from three universities and no ties to a football team of note. (Unless she’s cooking, she manages to work up more emotion than most anyone else in the room!) But I digress…

Saturday afternoon, we all watched as UT lost to Oklahoma State. UGH! After dinner, Ross’ team lost to Baylor. It was sometimes difficult to watch. The tough game was made easier because I got to snuggle on the sofa with dad and Johnny.

Sorry about the game, Ross! Better luck next week, dude!

Watching the game with my Johnny.
Watching the game with my Johnny.

Home again, home again….

Well, my mom and dad had a great time with Maggie (and her boyfriend, Marshal — I love Marshal!) in New York City! Mom told me they sent love and kisses. She showed me these pictures…

At the New York Public Library.
At the New York Public Library.
Maggie in Prospect Park, Brooklyn. Beautiful leaves!
Maggie in Prospect Park, Brooklyn. Beautiful leaves!

Bailey and I had an EXCELLENT time with Jake! (Missed you, mom and dad!) Mom returned, but dad was in Ohio for a week. I was pretty tired when he came home last night. But this morning – oh boy! We went to the PARK!!
YESSSSSS!! I’ve been getting good at going on walks up to about 1/2 mile. I am awesome! Today I chased balls! Check this out….


Dr. Moore hasn’t received the report from the lab yet. That means it will be next week until we know what kind of chemotherapy will be best for me. (Trust me, I can wait for this…) More pills…yuck! Mom and dad are just SO HAPPY that I’ve gotten my energy back and am looking happy! Thanks to everyone who has asked about me. You really help my folKs feel better…


Hanging out while mom does her gardening.
Hanging out while mom does her gardening.

Party on!

My mom and dad are leaving for New York City tomorrow. With my recent diagnosis, my dad was thinking he would stay at home and not leave me. That would just be wrong! (My sister,Maggie, just passed the New York bar exam and they needed to celebrate with her. I really miss her…) Anyway, Dr. Moore (I showed you her picture) said he should go.

My sitter, Jake, is going to be here with us! He’s so fun! We’ll take walks and play and hang out and stay up late like regular dudes – – plus Bailey. He’ll take good care of us. (I had a glitch…I’ll show you Jake’s picture next week.) Excellent! I’m feeling great! Have a good time, mom and dad!


Ready for fun!
Ready for fun!

It’s always something….

Well, yesterday was not a totally happy day. I did get to go see my friends at Brykerwood Veterinary Clinic and they gave me hugs and kisses. There was a family in the waiting room and they just found out their kitty would need to be put down. They were sad. I went over and comforted every single member of the family. I hope they felt a little better.

All the techs are SO SWEET to me! I love them!!
All the techs are SO SWEET to me! I love them!!

I'm pretty happy here. I'm waiting to see my friend, Dr. Moore.
I’m pretty happy here. I’m waiting to see my friend, Dr. Moore.
This is Dr. Moore, my good friend. She gives me hugs and treats.
This is Dr. Moore, my good friend. She gives me hugs and treats.

So I was having a good day, with Dr. Moore talking about how well my incision had healed, when she gets to discussing the pathology report. The tumor ended up being Grade III, not II. This is not good. I could tell from watching both Dr. Moore’s face and my mom’s. I have to have something called chemotherapy. More pills – great! Just when you think you’re through the worst of it – something else! We came home and mom and dad talked. They cried. Then we started a fire in the fireplace outside and sat and snuggled under a blanket. They promised me they would do everything they could for me as long as I seemed happy. I said to myself, “Who’s not happy? Look at me?”

Lounging on the window seat with mom.
Lounging on the window seat with mom.